Claim Adjudication
Member Fulfillment
Member Enrollment
Co-ordination of Benefits
Pre Adjudication Services
Utilization Management
About Netmark
We understand the entire life cycle of a claim with our payer and provider services experience.
We can affordably implement and quickly scale a claims adjudication team to process your appeals, resolve your co-ordination of benefits claims and adjudicate all your claims that did not auto-adjudicate.
We provide other payer services including utilization management, member fulfillment, member enrollment call center support and pre-adjudication services.
We work seamlessly as a partner for payers leveraging experienced adjudication teams that use QNXT, Facets, Amisys, DST, Qiclink, Diamond and other claims management software.
We are proud of our 97%+ error-free processing track record.